Saturday, 6 June 2009

Tawny Owls Fledge

Since moving here 6 years ago, a female Tawny Owl has used the garden as a regular winter roost. We put up an owl box in the lone oak tree, which has been used as an alternative roost, usually in inclement weather. Last year the box was used as a nest site for the first time and although one fledgling was seen in the entrance, a badly timed holiday meant nothing else was seen that year. Fortunately, this year the box was used again. The first of two fledglings appeared towards the end of May and was joined by its younger sibling shortly afterwards. They appeared side by side for several days. On the evening of May 28th, I watched an adult feeding the pair slow-worms, it was bringing in one every few minutes from the wood and it was quite comical to see the owlets trying to wolf down the wriggling reptiles. On this evening the elder owlet made its first jump to a nearby branch and could be seen walking around and flapping through the branches. The following evening, the second owlet made the same jump for a branch, but missed and fluttered down to the ground. The adult female was on guard for the remainder of daylight and fortunately, the youngster could be seen back up in the branches the following day. They have now both departed to the wood and can still be heard calling for food.

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